1. | Front Matters
Pages I - IX
2. | Comparison of the protective effects of vanillic and rosmarinic acid on cardiac tissue: Lower limb ischemia-reperfusion model in rats Serhat Huseyin, Adem Reyhancan, Umit Halici, Orkut Guclu, Salih Tuysuz, Burcak Oztorun, Suat Canbaz PMID: 39222491 PMCID: PMC11622722 doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2024.12359 Pages 619 - 625
3. | Evaluation of the effects of ischemia-reperfusion injury in rat isogenic and allogeneic muscle and skin transplant models Fatih Ceran, Salih Onur Basat, İdris Ersin, Deniz Filinte, Özgür Pilancı, Mehmet Bozkurt PMID: 39222497 PMCID: PMC11622727 doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2024.77415 Pages 626 - 634
4. | Validation of the Turkish version of the Modified Early Obstetric Warning System (MEOWS) chart Hale Kefeli Çelik, Gökçen Başaranoğlu, Ahmet Haydar Peçe, Gökhan Ünver, Serkan Tulgar, Mustafa Süren PMID: 39222490 PMCID: PMC11622726 doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2024.87099 Pages 635 - 643
5. | Neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio as a predictor of mortality among aortic dissection patients in the emergency department İzzet Ustaalioglu, Gülbin Aydoğdu Umaç PMID: 39222496 PMCID: PMC11622725 doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2024.78241 Pages 644 - 649
6. | Management of antimicrobial therapy in emergency department admissions and hospitalizations for firearm injuries: A single-center experience Yavuz Çekli, Elif Doğan, Şahin Kaymak, Tolga Ege, Mehmet Eryılmaz PMID: 39222499 PMCID: PMC11622718 doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2024.25442 Pages 650 - 656
7. | The role of biomarkers in predicting perforated cholecystitis cases: Can the c-reactive protein albumin ratio be a guide? Metin Yalcin, Mehmet Tercan, Erhan Ozyurt, Aysen Baysan PMID: 39222488 PMCID: PMC11622723 doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2024.24189 Pages 657 - 663
8. | Prevalence and risk factors of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children admitted to the emergency department due to traumas Ramiz Yazici, Hüseyin Mutlu, Cengizhan Kilicaslan, Ekrem Taha Sert, Kamil Kokulu, Halil Kara, Murat Kilicaslan, Mustafa Ekici, Bensu Bulut PMID: 39222494 PMCID: PMC11622724 doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2024.07834 Pages 664 - 670
9. | The effect of distal ureteral lateralization angle on ureteral trauma avoidance and successful ureteral access sheath placement Metin Yığman, Hale Çolakoğlu Er PMID: 39222492 PMCID: PMC11622716 doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2024.67996 Pages 671 - 676
10. | Comprehensive examination of etiological factors and clinical manifestations of maxillofacial traumas in forensic cases: A five-year retrospective study Hüseyin Balandız, Halit Canberk Aydogan, Burak Kaya, Semih Özsever, Sait Özsoy PMID: 39222495 PMCID: PMC11622720 doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2024.70045 Pages 677 - 684
11. | The management of testicular torsion: A survey of Turkish pediatric surgeons and pediatric urologists Furkan Adem Canbaz, Gonca Gerçel, Sefa Sag PMID: 39222498 PMCID: PMC11622717 doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2024.52932 Pages 685 - 693
12. | Thermal immersion in managing greater weever sting: A case study on delayed recovery Erim Eyinç, Lercan Aslan, Erdinç Gökdemir, Emrah Çalışkan PMID: 39222489 PMCID: PMC11622721 doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2024.83944 Pages 694 - 697
13. | Minimally invasive video-assisted trans-diaphragmatic drainage of a subphrenic complicated abscess Sabahattin Destek, Osman Cemil Akdemir, Ceren Gonultas, Vahit Onur Gul PMID: 39222493 PMCID: PMC11622719 doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2024.69547 Pages 698 - 700