p-ISSN: 1306-696x | e-ISSN: 1307-7945
Cilt : 22 Sayı : 1 Yıl : 2025

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[Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg]
Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2016; 22(1): 12-16 | DOI: 10.5505/tjtes.2015.92892

Pediatric deep burns caused by hot incense ashes during 2014 Spring Festival in Fuyang city, China

Jian Wang1, Bo Zhou1, Ren-qin Tao2, Xu-lin Chen1
1The First Affiliated Hospital Of Anhui Medical University
2Fuyang People’s Hospital

Introduction: The Chinese people in Fuyang city, a northwest city of Anhui Province, are accustomed to burning incense at home for blessing during the Spring Festival. Their children, especially toddlers like playing around the burning incense and are at risk to burn by hot incense ashes. The purpose of this study is to describe the unique cause and clinical characteristics of pediatric deep burns caused by hot incense ashes during 2014 Spring Festival.
Methods: Twelve consecutive children admitted to our Burn Center and Fuyang People’s Hospital during 2014 Spring Festival, with burn injuries caused by the hot incense ashes were epidemiologically studied retrospectively. Data on age, gender, size, depth and site of burn, incidence by day, number of operation, hospital stay, and causes of burns, were collected.
Results: All patients came from Fuyang city. Of the 12 patients, the average age was 2.17 years with a range of 1-6. The boy-to-girl ratio was 2: 1. The mean total burn surface area (TBSA) was 5.83% and 91.67% of children sustained full-thickness burn. Hands were the most common parts of body to be injured. Dry necrosis developed in 14 fingers of 3 patients. January 31, 2014, the first day of the Chinese New Year, was the time of highest incidence. Six patients (50 percent) required surgical intervention while the number of operations including escharectomy, excision, skin grafting, or amputation of necrotic fingers, per patient was 2. A total of 14 fingers were amputated of the necrotic parts. All children survived and the mean time in hospital of the patients was 20 days.
Conclusion: Hot incense ashes cause serious injuries to children in Fuyang city during the Spring Festival. Preventive programs should be directed towards high risk groups to reduce the incidence of this burn.

Keywords: Burns, Incense ashes; Children

Sorumlu Yazar: Xu-lin Chen, China
Makale Dili: İngilizce