p-ISSN: 1306-696x | e-ISSN: 1307-7945
Volume : 11 Issue : 3 Year : 2025

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Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery - Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg: 11 (3)
Volume: 11  Issue: 3 - July 2005
1. Finite element method based stress analysis of zone I and zone II sacral fractures
Hakan Bozkuş, Murat Hancı, M Emin Sünbüloğlu, M Ali Tunalı, S Ergun Bozdağ, Önder Aydıngöz, Alaattin Arpacı
PMID: 16100662  Pages 189 - 194

2. Early diagnosis of colorectal anastomotic leakages by detection of bacterial genome
Turgay Emet, Yılmaz Bilsel, Metin Tilki, Ali Sürmelioğlu, Yılmaz User
PMID: 16100663  Pages 195 - 200

3. The effect of selective bowel decontamination and mechanical bowel preparation on bacterial translocation due to intraabdominal hypertension
Doğan Gönüllü, Ahmet Ceylan, Okan Demiray, Meltem Erpek Üzümcü, Ferda Nihat Köksoy, Osman Yücel
PMID: 16100664  Pages 201 - 205

4. A statistical analysis for the identification of factors effecting prognosis of civilian patients with cranial gunshot wounds
Hikmet Turan Süslü, Erhan Çelikoğlu, Ayçiçek Çeçen, Mustafa Bozbuğa
PMID: 16100665  Pages 206 - 211

5. In situ pinning on slipped femoral capital epipyhysis with a single cannulated screw
Emre Çullu, Kadir Damgacı, Ş Öner Şavk
PMID: 16100666  Pages 212 - 217

6. Indications for computed tomography in patients with mild head injuries
Burak O Boran, Nehir Barut, Cem Akgün, Erhan Çelikoğlu, Mustafa Bozbuğa
PMID: 16100667  Pages 218 - 224

7. Screw-wire combination technique in the reconstruction of anterior mandible fractures
Mithat Akan, Kaan Gideroğlu, Tayfun Aköz
PMID: 16100668  Pages 225 - 229

8. The effect of delayed admission in burn centers on wound contamination and infection rates
Serhat Özbek, Yeşim Özgenel, Abdullah Etöz, Selçuk Akın, Ramazan Kahveci, Yasemin Heper, İlker Ercan, Mesut Özcan
PMID: 16100669  Pages 230 - 237

9. Diagnostic value of pediatric trauma score in blunt abdominal injuries
Mustafa İnan, Turan Ceylan, Süleyman Ayvaz, Burhan Aksu, Mehmet Pul
PMID: 16100670  Pages 238 - 241

10. A rare case of splenic infarct presenting with acute Abdomınal pain due to polyarteritis nodosa: case report and review of the literature
Burçak Kabaoğlu, Halil Coşkun, Hakan Yanar, Ercan Karaarslan, Tunç Yaltı
PMID: 16100671  Pages 242 - 246

11. A descending colon tumour prolapsing from anus: case Report
Mehmet Öğüş, Ayhan Dinçkan, Tekinalp Gelen, Nazif Aksoy
PMID: 16100672  Pages 247 - 249

12. Global cerebral ischemic findings in a woman who attempted to commit suicide by hanging
Gökhan Akdemir, Fikret Ergüngör
PMID: 16100673  Pages 250 - 253

13. Juguler vein gunshot injury from blank cartridges
İbrahim İkizceli, Levent Avşaroğulları, Erdoğan Mütevelli Sözüer, Çağlar Özdemir, Harun Tuğcu, Hasan Sever, Hikmet Duymaz
PMID: 16100674  Pages 254 - 257

14. Free radial forearm flap transfer for the reconstruction of the Achilles tendon and soft tissue defect: a case report
Erhan Çoşkunol, Oğuz Özdemir, Taçkın Özalp
PMID: 16100675  Pages 258 - 262